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Search Results
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A search for 'Black Widow' gave the following results:

7 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in labels:
  1. Jaws (CTI Records 33.002)
    Performed by Lalo Schifrin on "Black Widow", CTI 5060292.

4 matches in composers
  1. Don Black
  2. Stanley Black
  3. Arnold Black
  4. Buddy Black

2 matches in label numbers
  1. Black Widow BWRCD 156-2
    Dawn Of The Dead
  2. Black Widow Records BWR 212

5753 matches in tracks
  1. Black Widow (01:43)
    from Poltergeist: The Legacy
  2. Black Widow (04:37)
    from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  3. Black Widow (02:01)
    from Crown, The
  4. Black Widow (03:15)
    from Dream Lover
  5. Black Widow (01:00)
    from Friday Foster
  6. Black Widow Kicks Ass (02:12)
    from Iron Man 2
  7. Black Widow and Scorpion (04:55)
    from Webs And Other Wonders
  8. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Night Stalker And Other Classic Thrillers, The
  9. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
  10. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Night Stalker, The
  11. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Night Strangler, The
  12. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Dracula
  13. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Trilogy Of Terror
  14. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Burnt Offerings
  15. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Dead Of Night
  16. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Curse Of The Black Widow
  17. Curse of the Black Widow (00:00)
    from Dark Shadows
  18. Finale (00:21)
    from Black Widow
    tracks 11 - 20 from "Black Widow"
  19. Finale (00:21)
    from Good Morning, Miss Dove
    tracks 11 - 20 from "Black Widow"
  20. Black Widow Spider (04:14)
    from B-Movie Archives
    Dr. John
Show all 5753 matching tracks